Ingredients for 1 person:
  • 100 g. by leavened dough
  • 2 ripe gravy tomatoes or peeled tomatoes or tomato puree
  • capers in salt
  • half mozzarella
  • 3 anchovies in oil
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • origan
  • salt


For the preparation of the Napoli pizza, follow these simple steps.

Prepare the leavened dough following the instructions in the link or you can find it ready-made in the bakery or supermarket.

Continue by spreading the leavened dough on a sheet of floured baking paper and put it in a baking sheet. Then let the dough rest for a few minutes, so that it can regain volume and be softer on the palate.

To avoid that the taste of the capers is too salty, it is advisable to leave them to soak in water to dissolve the excess salt. To do this, immerse 20 capers in water for about 10 minutes and then rinse them under running water. After having drained them, you can lay them on a tea towel to let them dry, ready to be used in your preparation. In this way, the capers will have a balanced flavor and will not risk ruining the taste of your dish.

On the leavened dough distribute the peeled ripe tomatoes for the sauce or the peeled tomatoes without seeds, chopped finely to form a fluid sauce, called “pumarola”. Add the chopped anchovies, capers, oregano and salt.

Place the pan in the preheated oven at 220 degrees.

Fresh tomatoes certainly offer a more authentic and intense flavor than peeled tomatoes and even more so than ready-made tomato puree. Meanwhile, you can chop the mozzarella into small pieces.

After 15 minutes, when you see that the pasta is already golden, add the previously chopped mozzarella. Keep in the oven for another 5 minutes until the mozzarella is stringy. Let sit for a few minutes to let the flavors of the ingredients absorb.

Finally, cut the pizza into slices and serve it hot, perhaps accompanied by a cold beer or a glass of red wine. Here is a delicious dish ready that will conquer everyone’s palate!

Enjoy your meal!

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