Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 500 g. of mussels
  • 500 g. of clams
  • 400 g. of peeled tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste
  • half a glass of dry white wine
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • a chilli
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • chopped fresh parsley for garnish
  • salt


This is a delicious traditional seafood dish, full of marine flavors and freshness. Prepared with mussels and clams in an aromatic tomato sauce, enriched with white wine, chilli pepper and garlic. An explosion of taste that celebrates the culinary tradition of the sea, perfect as an appetizer in menus based on seafood dishes.

Start by cleaning the mussels and clams under cold running water to remove any residual sand. Delete any that are already open or damaged.

In a large skillet or pot, heat a little extra virgin olive oil and add the peeled and finely chopped garlic cloves. If you want, but I recommend it, a spicy touch, you can also add a crushed pepper.

Add the mussels and clams to the pan and pour in the white wine. Cover and simmer over medium-high until the shells open. They will be ready in a few minutes. Delete the ones that remain closed.

Remove the mussels and clams from the pan and set them aside, keeping the cooking liquid warm.

Meanwhile, finely chop the peeled tomatoes in a separate bowl for a more rustic texture.

In the same pan where you cooked the mussels and clams, add the tomato paste and mix well to distribute it evenly.

Pour the well-crushed peeled tomatoes into the pan with the cooking water from the mussels and mix with the concentrated tomato sauce. Add a little salt to taste taking into account the flavor of the ingredients.

Let the sauce simmer over medium-low heat for about 15 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld.

Add the mussels and clams to the tomato sauce, stirring gently to coat them with the sauce. Let them cook for another 3 minutes to warm them up.

Turn off the heat and garnish with chopped fresh parsley. Serve the mussels and clams in tomato sauce hot. This delicious recipe of mussels and clams in tomato sauce is perfect to be enjoyed as an appetizer or as a main course, accompanied by toasted homemade bread.

Accompany this tasty dish with a very fresh and fragrant white wine, such as a Nuragus di Cagliari or a Pignoletto Colli Bolognesi, to enhance the seafood flavors of the dish.

Enjoy your meal!