Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 8 zucchini
  • 4 fresh white onions
  • two eggs
  • 100 g. of breadcrumbs
  • a glass of white wine
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • origan
  • pepper
  • salt


Delicious recipe of zucchini stuffed with onions: a fresh and tasty dish for the summer!

Zucchini stuffed with onions are a great choice for a dinner with family or friends during the summer season. This simple and quick dish to prepare allows you to use fresh and seasonal ingredients in a practical and tasty way.

To start, just cut the courgettes in half and gently hollow them out, keeping the pulp aside. A light sauté of chopped onion, flavored with salt, pepper and oregano, blended with white wine, will create an irresistible aroma.

Subsequently, the zucchini pulp is combined with the sautéed onion, eggs, fresh cheese and breadcrumbs, creating a homogeneous and tasty mixture. This filling is then delicately placed inside the courgettes.

You can customize this recipe by using different varieties of cheese, opting for shredded or fresh stringy cheese, to further enrich the flavor.

If you want to add an extra touch of taste and texture, you can enrich the stuffed zucchini with other vegetables, such as peppers, tomatoes or eggplants.

To obtain a crunchy surface, sprinkle the stuffed zucchini with breadcrumbs and add some cubes of fresh cheese which will melt during cooking, giving an irresistible flavour.

To complete cooking, arrange the stuffed zucchini on a previously oiled or lined with baking paper pan and cook in the oven at 200°C for about 45 minutes. When the surface is golden and browned and the inside of the zucchini is soft and succulent, your stuffed zucchini will be ready to be enjoyed.

They can be enjoyed on various occasions: as a second course, it is advisable to let them cool before serving, while as a side dish and as an appetizer, this dish is excellent when eaten fresh.

Accompany this summer dish with a fresh and sparkling white wine, such as a Pignoletto from Emilia-Romagna or a Garda from the Veneto, for a perfect pairing that will make the meal even more pleasant and convivial.

In conclusion, courgettes stuffed with onions are a simple, quick and genuine recipe, perfect for the summer. Make the most of fresh ingredients and create a fresh and delicious dish that will captivate everyone’s palate.