Ingredients for 4 people:
  • Three medium sized peppers
  • a can of tuna in oil of 160 gr.
  • three cloves of garlic
  • Origan
  • parsley
  • capers in salt
  • of white wine
  • chili oil


To prepare this delicious dish you will need fresh peppers, canned tuna, garlic, oregano, wine, chili oil and salted capers. Start by steaming the peppers for a few minutes, then carefully peel them and cut them into small strips. Prepare the tuna cream by placing half the amount of tuna, garlic, oregano and a splash of wine in the blender bowl. Blend everything until you get a smooth cream. On each strip of pepper, spread a little of the tuna cream obtained, to which you will have added the remaining tuna and a little chilli oil for a touch of spiciness. Roll up the pepper strips with the tuna cream inside and close with a toothpick to keep them tightly wrapped. Garnish the two sides of the roll with two capers placed on the sides of the roll, which you will have kept in water for 10 minutes and then washed under running water to remove the salt. Repeat the operation with the remaining strips of pepper and place the rolls on a plate. Let it rest in the refrigerator to let the ingredients flavor and obtain an attractive presentation. Serve as appetizers or as a side dish.

To accompany this appetizing dish of peppers with tuna, I suggest you choose a fresh and aromatic white wine such as Vermentino della Gallura or sparkling Lambrusco dell’Emilia. These wines are ideal for enhancing the strong flavors of pepper and tuna without overlapping with strong flavors that could confuse the harmony of tastes. Serve the wine well chilled, at a temperature of about 8-10°C, to fully appreciate its pleasantness on the palate and enjoy a tasty and refined dinner.

Enjoy your meal!