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Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 4 spiny artichokes
  • half a white onion
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt


Thorny artichokes are a very precious food for our health thanks to their numerous mineral salts, especially iron. Prickly artichokes are also a source of other minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamins such as vitamin C. Furthermore, artichokes also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can help prevent chronic diseases.

If you want to prepare a delicious artichoke recipe, here are some simple steps to follow. First, you need to clean the outer leaves from the artichokes and keep only the heart. Subsequently, cut the artichoke hearts into small pieces and leave them immersed in a bowl with water and lemon to prevent them from blackening.

In a small saucepan, heat the oil and sauté the onion. Add the artichoke pieces and fry them for a few minutes together with the onion, then add water, cover the pot and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Check that the artichokes are soft and add salt.

To serve the recipe as a side dish, it can be enjoyed hot, while as an appetizer it can be served cold. Furthermore, to enhance the flavor and create a harmonious gustatory experience, I recommend pairing an intense red wine such as Monica di Sardegna or Carignano del Sulcis, which have Mediterranean fruity aromas. With these simple steps, you can delight your guests with a simple but tasty recipe.

Enjoy your meal!
