Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 8 spiny artichokes
  • two eggs
  • a teaspoon of cornstarch
  • breadcrumbs
  • fry oil
  • a lemon
  • salt
  • pepper


To prepare this delicious recipe, start by carefully cleaning 8 spiny artichokes from the thorns and stems, eliminating all the leathery parts. To keep them fresh without the artichokes turning black, you can immerse them in water and lemon. Once you have cleaned the artichokes, divide them into wedges and dry them to be ready for the subsequent processing with the egg.

So prepare the batter by beating the egg in a large dish, adding a teaspoon of cornstarch to ensure dry frying, salt to taste, a little pepper and finally the lemon zest.

Dip the artichoke segments in the egg batter and then roll them in the breadcrumbs.

Heat the oil in a pan and gently pour the artichoke wedges into the boiling oil until they are golden brown and crunchy.

Thorny artichokes can also be extracted al dente to preserve their fleshy texture.

Once ready, you can serve these delicious fried artichokes with a side of baked potatoes and a good red wine with a spicy flavor, such as a Carignano del Sulcis or a Campanian Aglianico, which will match the prickly scent of this tasty dish.

Enjoy your meal!