Ingredients for 4 people:
  • half kg. of pre-washed tripe
  • 3 potatoes
  • an onion
  • a clove of garlic
  • a gravy tomato
  • a dried tomato
  • origan
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • dry white wine
  • a few basil leaves
  • salt
  • pepper


For those in search of the flavors of the past, this is a very tasty poor recipe of the Mediterranean tradition that satisfies desires. First, buy the bovine tripe pre-washed from the butcher and cut it into thin slices with patience and skill.

Then proceed with the preparation of the ingredients by peeling the potatoes and cutting them into cubes. Then chop the onion, the garlic, the tomato sauce and the dried tomato.

In a saucepan with a thick bottom and with a lid, sauté the extra virgin olive oil, the potatoes, the onion, the garlic and the tomato sauce and the dried tomato. Deglaze occasionally with white wine so as not to burn the onion and garlic.

When the onions are golden, add the tripe and adjust the salt, pepper and oregano. Stir and blend again with the white wine and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat, being careful not to burn the onion and garlic.

Add two glasses of hot water to cover the tripe, cover with the lid and cook for an hour and a half on low heat. Stir occasionally.

Leave to cool and serve, not too hot, with the basil leaves and slices of toasted homemade bread.

To harmoniously complete this tasty dish and to enhance the ancient flavors I suggest you accompany it with a robust and intense red wine such as a Merlot from the Veneto region or with a Carignano del Sulcis with aromatic and fruity fragrances.

Enjoy your meal!