Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 500 g. of mixed ground beef and pork
  • 4 tortillas of 00 flour or cornmeal
  • 1 white onion
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • 1 green, red or yellow bell pepper, diced
  • 4 red chiles, minced
  • 400 g. of red or borlotti beans
  • 400 g. of peeled tomatoes
  • a dried tomato
  • half a teaspoon of ground cumin
  • half a glass of red wine
  • Grated stringy cheese
  • Guacamole
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt


In a large non-stick frying pan, heat a little olive oil over medium heat, add the minced meat and cook until well browned and cooked through. Add the chopped onion first and then the minced garlic and saute them until soft and translucent.

Add the chopped bell pepper and red pepper to the pan and cook for a few minutes, until soft.

Add the beans with their cooking juice, the diced peeled tomatoes and the finely chopped dried tomato to the pan. Mix all ingredients well.

Season the chili with ground cumin, the half cup of red wine and salt. Adjust the spices also according to your personal taste. Let the chili cook over low heat for about 30 minutes, so that all the flavors mix well.

Meanwhile, heat the tortillas, purchased ready-made, on a griddle or in a microwave oven until soft and pliable.

Take a tortilla and fill it with a portion of prepared chili, grated cheese. Fold the sides of the tortilla towards the center and roll it tightly to form a burrito.

Repeat process with remaining tortillas and remaining chili. Once you have all the burritos prepared, you can serve them immediately or wrap them in aluminum foil and keep them warm in a preheated oven at 120°C. Before serving, you can garnish the burritos with guacamole for a touch of freshness.

Your chili burritos are ready to enjoy! You can accompany this dish with a fresh green salad and fresh tomato.

To make this delicious dish even more memorable, we suggest you accompany the chili burrito with an intensely flavored red wine. Two excellent combinations are the Monica of Sardinia or the Chianti Classico of Tuscany, both capable of enhancing the intense flavors of this specialty. Both wines feature floral and berry notes, which pair perfectly with the unique flavors of the Chili Burrito. Take the time to fully enjoy this popular Texan and Mexican dish, with the warmth of spicy flavors and the elegance of a fine red wine.

Enjoy your meal!