Ingredients for 2 people:
  • 1 sea bream of 250 gr.
  • two fresh tomatoes for gravy
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • a clove of garlic
  • parsley
  • pepper
  • salt


To prepare this tasty sea bream dish, start by filleting the fish, being careful to leave the skin intact. Once this operation is finished, finely chop the garlic, parsley and fresh tomato.

Take a large frying pan and sauté the garlic, parsley and fresh tomato in extra virgin olive oil. When the ingredients are golden, pour in the white wine and season with salt and pepper.

At this point, place the sea bream fillets on the sauce just prepared and let it all cook for about 4 minutes over low heat. As soon as the fillets are cooked on one side, turn them gently and pour the fresh tomato sauce on top. Continue to cook for another 3 minutes on low heat, until the fish meat is soft and juicy.

Finally, serve the sea bream dish piping hot and enjoy it together with your guests. We hope that this dish will make anyone who tastes it happy.

To pleasantly complete this gastronomic goodness and to enhance the savory flavors, I suggest you combine a fresh and fragrant white wine such as a fragrant and fruity Nuragus di Cagliari, or with a Pinot Grigio from the Veneto with a floral and cheerful bouquet.

Enjoy your meal!