Ingredients for 4 people:
  • half kg. of mixed beef and pork minced meat
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • a pound of stringy fresh cheese
  • 60 g. of breadcrumbs
  • a pound of mortadella
  • two white onions
  • a carrot
  • a celery rib
  • White wine
  • salt
  • pepper


If you’re looking for a succulent and tempting traditionally inspired dish to serve to your guests or family, stuffed meatloaf could be the perfect solution. To make it, start by mixing the ground beef with two eggs and breadcrumbs in a large bowl. Once the mixture is well blended, spread the meat on a sheet of baking paper, giving it a rectangular shape, and add the slices of mortadella, the fresh cheese and the whole hard-boiled eggs on top.

Roll up the meat and compact the meatloaf using the baking paper, then tie it with kitchen string to prevent it from opening during cooking. In a saucepan, put some extra virgin olive oil and brown the meatloaf on all sides.

Then add the onions, carrot and celery cut into slices, and blend everything with white wine to prevent the sauce from drying too much during cooking. Let the meatloaf cook over low heat for 20 minutes, covered with the lid, until the meat is well cooked and soft.

To serve, cut the meatloaf into slices and arrange them on a plate, pouring over the sauce obtained during cooking. This dish is perfect to accompany with a full-bodied red wine, such as a Nero d’Avola or a Chianti, to enhance the flavors of the meat and the sauce.

Enjoy your meal!