Ingredients for 8 people:
  • 1 kg. of minced meat
  • salt
  • pepper
  • extra virgin olive oil


By preparing your own hamburgers at home, you have the opportunity to choose natural ingredients according to your tastes and deciding on all the possible variations of flavors and spices to add to the dough.

You can buy the minced meat of your choice. Beef has the most classic taste for hamburgers, but pork, horse and lighter meats such as chicken or turkey are suitable. You can combine various types of mixed meats to obtain new flavours.

For the preparation, a hamburger making machine is useful, but alternatively use a bowl of 10 cm in diameter to shape.

Prepare the mixture in a terrine which can be reduced to just minced meat and elaborated mixtures with oils and spices. Mix until you get a uniform mixture and make balls of 100 gr.

If you use the machine to make hamburgers, place a sheet of freezer cellophane on the bottom of the shape.

Then place the ball and squeeze it all the way down. Take the hamburger out of the mold and wrap it all up in other cellophane to seal them and prepare them for storage in the freezer.

You can cook the natural hamburger on the grill or in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, turning it once. Add salt and pepper to taste.

The cooking possibilities are countless following the existing recipe variations for elaborate dishes or sandwiches. And if your hamburger feels very lonely, accompany it with a fresh tomato salad or with the classic French fries.

To enhance the flavor and create a harmonious gustatory experience, I suggest you pair it with a robust and intense red wine, such as Merlot del Veneto or Carignano del Sulcis, which have aromatic and fruity aromas.

Enjoy your meal!
