Ingredients for 2 people:
  • 1 sea bream of 250 gr.
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • a clove of garlic
  • half a lemon
  • White wine
  • half a fresh tomato
  • half dried tomato
  • parsley
  • pepper
  • salt


To prepare this delicious dish, start by filleting the sea bream, making sure to leave the skin on the fish.

Then, finely chop the garlic, the parsley, the fresh tomato and the dry tomato. Then squeeze the juice from half a lemon and keep it aside.

In a large frying pan, fitted with a lid, fry the garlic, parsley, fresh tomato and sun-dried tomato in extra virgin olive oil. Shade everything with white wine and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Place the sea bream fillets on top of the sautéed mixture and cook over low heat for about 4 minutes. Turn the fillets and add the lemon juice, then cover the pan with the lid and cook for another 3 minutes.

Remove the lid and let the dish cook for another minute, allowing any excess liquid to evaporate.

Finally, season with a few slices of lemon and serve the dish piping hot. Now you can enjoy the irresistible taste of your sea bream in tomato and lemon sauce.

To worthily enhance this quick-to-prepare dish and to enhance the marine flavors, I recommend pairing it with a fresh and fragrant white wine such as a fragrant and fruity Vermentino from Sardinia, or with a Chardonnay from the Veneto with an aromatic and lively bouquet.

Enjoy your meal!
