Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 200 g. of black or red beans
  • 200 g. of peppers
  • 4 chillies
  • two cloves of garlic
  • three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 300 g. of mixed minced pork and beef
  • half onion
  • Red wine
  • 300 g. of peeled tomatoes
  • a teaspoon of cumin
  • a teaspoon of cocoa
  • salt


Tex-Mex cuisine is an explosion of flavors and colors that combines Mexican and Texan traditions. One of the most typical dishes of Tex-Mex cuisine is chili con carne, a tasty soup of beans and minced meat.

To prepare the chili con carne, start by boiling the beans and blending part of them with half the peppers, tomatoes, onion, a clove of garlic and the 4 chili peppers. This will create a delicious gravy base that goes perfectly with the meat.

If you don’t have red or black beans available, you can safely use borlotti beans. Alternatively, you can also use those ready in jars for faster preparation.

In a tall saucepan, put the extra virgin olive oil and brown the minced meat. Next, add half the onion and then again half of the peppers cut into small pieces. Finally, add the minced garlic. To prevent the garlic from burning, add a little red wine and then the pureed part of the beans, tomatoes and peppers.

Bring everything to a boil and add the beans. Add the salt, cumin and cocoa to give the soup an intense and spicy flavour. Let it simmer for half an hour with the lid on and to obtain a not too thick mixture, add a little red wine or water.

To accompany the chili con carne, I recommend serving a fragrant red wine such as a Monica di Sardegna or a Sangiovese di Romagna. These wines have a full-bodied, aromatic flavor that pairs perfectly with the complexity of flavors of the chili con carne.

Enjoy your meal!