Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 8 slices of homemade bread
  • 200 g. of cherry tomatoes
  • 50 g. by pesto
  • 100 g. of canned tuna
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper


To prepare this simple and quick recipe, first prepare the pesto according to the recipe in the link to the recipe for the preparation of pesto alla genovese or if you want to try some alternatives, you can opt for the walnut pesto or almonds. If you don’t have time, you can buy a ready-made jar at the supermarket.

Continue the preparation by chopping the cherry tomatoes, which are the ones that best guarantee an intense and fragrant taste. Then prepare a sauce with extra virgin olive oil, the chopped tomatoes, the finely chopped tuna, the pesto and season with salt and pepper. Gently mix leaving the tomatoes still in small pieces.

Brown the slices of bread on both sides in a preheated oven at 200 degrees lined with baking paper. Remove the pan from the oven and put the pesto and cherry tomato sauce on top of the browned slices of bread.

Keep in the oven for another 3 minutes and serve the dish hot.

Accompany them with a lively and cheerful white wine. Vermentino della Gallura is an excellent choice for a fragrant and fruity white wine, while another good choice could be Pinot Bianco delle Sud Tirolo where both will marry with the fragrance of corsara tostada with pesto.

Enjoy your meal!