fritelle carciofifritelle carciofi
Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 4 spiny artichokes
  • 50 g of flour
  • an egg
  • cold sparkling water
  • instant yeast for desserts
  • fry oil
  • salt


To prepare the Campidano thorny artichoke fritters, you will need a few ingredients: an egg, cold sparkling water, salt and yeast. Start by beating the egg in a bowl and gradually adding the cold sparkling water until you get a smooth batter without lumps. Then add a pinch of salt and mix well. Cover the bowl with transparent film and let the batter rest in the refrigerator for about half an hour.

After the rest time, add the yeast to the batter and mix well. In the meantime, dedicate yourself to cleaning the artichoke hearts: remove the harder and more stringy outer leaves, cut off the tips and then cut them into thin slices of about 2 millimeters.

Heat the oil in a pan, then dip the artichoke slices in the batter and fry them until they are golden and crispy. Drain the artichoke fritters from the oil with a slotted spoon and place them on absorbent kitchen paper to remove the excess oil.

Finally, serve the pancakes hot and still crunchy, accompanied by a good glass of quality white wine, such as a Nuragus from Cagliari. This wine is characterized by its fragrance of Mediterranean scrub with a savory taste of almonds and juniper, which marries perfectly with the delicate and aromatic flavor of artichokes. Enjoy your meal!

Note sui carciofi spinosi:

The spiny artichokes of Campidano di Serramanna are a typical delicacy of the Sardinia region, located in central Italy. These artichokes, also known as Serramanna artichokes, are distinguished by their particular shape with very long and thin spines that surround the head of the artichoke.

The cultivation of artichokes in Serramanna has ancient roots and dates back to the period of Spanish domination in Sardinia. Today, the production of artichokes in Serramanna is still an important economic activity for the region and the spiny artichoke has been recognized as a traditional Sardinian food product.

The spiny artichokes of Serramanna are grown on clayey and sandy soils, which give the product a unique and characteristic flavour. The artichoke harvest generally takes place from November to March, when the artichoke heads are still closed and compact.

Once harvested, the artichokes are carefully selected and washed, removing the outer leaves and the toughest thorns. Subsequently, the artichokes can be enjoyed raw in salad or they are cooked and generally served as a side dish or ingredient for typical dishes of Sardinian cuisine, such as artichoke soup or spaghetti with artichokes.

The spiny artichokes of Campidano di Serramanna are a prized product and highly appreciated for their quality and their unique flavour. Furthermore, the cultivation of these artichokes represents an important tradition for the Sardinia region and contributes to the enhancement of the local agri-food heritage.
