Ingredients for 4 people:
  • Two eggplants
  • 100 g. of fresh Sardinian sweet cheese or if you prefer a mozzarella
  • three cloves of garlic
  • three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with chilli pepper
  • 10 parsley leaves
  • a dried tomato
  • 10 basil leaves
  • a fresh ripe tomato


Welcome to this delicious stuffed eggplant recipe! Grilled aubergines become the perfect base for a dish of Mediterranean flavours. Follow the steps in the recipe and prepare these stuffed aubergines to delight your guests or for a gourmet dinner at home.

Take the aubergines, slice them lengthwise into thin slices, salt them lightly and put them in a container for about half an hour so that they can eliminate their excess bitter liquid. This step will make them tastier and less watery once cooked. Then you can choose to grill them in the oven or in a grill pan, for a light browning and a delicious smoky flavour.

In the meantime, you can prepare the sauce that will enrich the aubergines. Finely slice the fresh garlic, chop the basil and fresh parsley and cut the dried tomato into small pieces. Put everything in a small bowl and add a drizzle of spicy oil to give it a touch of spiciness. Mix all the ingredients well and let the dressing rest so that the flavors blend together.

Take the cheese and cut it into thin strips, so you can use it to stuff the aubergine slices. Once the aubergines are cooked, you can proceed with the filling. Take a slice of grilled aubergine and place a small amount of the previously prepared chopped parsley, basil and garlic in the centre, also adding a strip of cheese. Gently roll up the aubergine slice on itself and close it with a toothpick to keep it compact.

Continue to stuff the other aubergine slices in the same way, then placing them on a baking sheet. To complete the preparation, cover the stuffed aubergines with thin slices of fresh tomato, a few cubes of fresh cheese and a basil leaf to decorate. Bake everything at 180°C for about 10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and lightly golden.

Once ready, you can serve the stuffed aubergines still hot, to better appreciate their flavor and texture. This dish is perfect as an appetizer or as a tasty side dish, and will surely be appreciated by your guests!

To best accompany the delicious stuffed aubergines, I suggest you pair them with a good dry white wine. Among the ideal choices, you can opt for a Sauvignon Veneto, with its fresh and aromatic notes that blend perfectly with the intense flavors of the aubergines and the sauce. Or, you can choose a Vermentino from Sardinia, a wine with a lively and mineral character, with a pleasant acidity that balances well the taste of stuffed aubergines.

Sauvignon Veneto, with its aromatic profile of citrus fruits, aromatic herbs and white flowers, offers a pleasant freshness that contrasts with the slightly sweet taste of grilled aubergines and cheese. Its lively acidity and medium structure make it an ideal companion to enhance the complex flavors of stuffed aubergines.

Sardinian Vermentino, on the other hand, with its fruity and floral character integrates perfectly with the basil, garlic and dried tomato dressing of the stuffed aubergines, creating a harmonious gustatory balance. Its freshness and light sapidity go well with the sweetness of the aubergines and cheese, adding a pleasant note of contrast.

In both cases, a dry and crisp white wine will perfectly complement the taste of stuffed aubergines, enhancing their flavors and making the culinary experience even more pleasant. Remember to serve the wine chilled, at a temperature of around 8-10°C, to better appreciate its organoleptic characteristics. Cheers!