Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 400 g shrimp
  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • dry marsala


To prepare this delicious dish, start by purchasing high-quality fresh shrimp. The recipe is very simple and the goodness of the raw material will be essential. Once you have them available, blanch them lightly in boiling water with a little salt for a few minutes. Remember not to wash them in fresh water to prevent them from turning dark and losing part of their taste. Subsequently, let them cool and with a lot of patience shell them, removing the shell and leaving only the succulent pulp.

Take a wide mouth bowl and place the peeled prawns inside. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and one orange and pour it over the shrimp pulp. Then add some high quality extra virgin olive oil, a few drops of dry Marsala, salt and pepper to taste. Gently mix all the ingredients, so that the dressing is evenly distributed over the prawns. Let everything rest in the fridge for at least half an hour, so that the flavors blend.

Before serving, you can add a touch of freshness to the prawn salad with some lemon and orange slices as decoration. This dish is perfect as an appetizer or as a light second course, ideal for the hottest days. Enjoy this fresh and fragrant seafood delicacy!