Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 400 g of spaghetti
  • half onion
  • 5 artichokes
  • 30 g. of Parmesan cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper


This recipe presents a delicious variation of the classic carbonara pasta, where artichokes are used as an alternative to pancetta, guaranteeing a tasty and intense flavour. To prepare this dish, you need to start by carefully cleaning the artichokes, removing the hard outer leaves, the stem and the thorns, leaving only the clean artichoke heart. Subsequently, the artichoke hearts must be cut in half and then into thin slices, while the onion is chopped.

In a large pan, the oil is heated and the artichokes are browned for a few minutes. After two minutes, the onion is added and the salt is adjusted. In the meantime, the eggs are placed in a dish with the Parmesan cheese, a pinch of salt and pepper, and beaten with a fork until a smooth and homogeneous product is obtained.

While the artichokes are cooking, it is necessary to boil plenty of salted water and pour the spaghetti, which must be drained when they reach al dente cooking. The pasta is then sautéed in the pan with the artichokes and the runny eggs are added, continuing to turn the pasta to thicken the eggs. It is important not to wait too long and remove the pan from the heat after a few seconds, when the eggs still have a fluid consistency.

Finally, you can add pepper to taste and serve the dish, accompanying it with a good perfumed red wine that does not overwhelm the taste of the artichoke spaghetti carbonara. Some excellent wine options to pair with this pasta are Morellino di Scansano or Monica di Sardegna, both wines with hints of forest and red fruits that combine perfectly with the savory taste of artichokes.

Enjoy your meal!