Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 600 g. of mixed beef stock and chicken for the stock (you can use just beef or just chicken if you prefer)
  • medium potatoes
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 dried tomato
  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley
  • two liters of water
  • salt


When the days get cooler and the need for comfort becomes a priority, few dishes are able to warm the soul like Tortellini in Beef and Chicken Broth. This traditional dish, which combines the enveloping taste of tortellini with a rich and aromatic broth, is a perfect choice for those looking for a delicious culinary treat.

The heart of this preparation is the broth itself, which must be carefully prepared to obtain a deep and satisfying flavour. To start, round up high-quality beef and chicken, along with potatoes, onion, parsley, dried tomato, and carrots. These ingredients work in synergy to create a tasty and nutritious base. After carefully placing them in a pot, let the flavors blend during a slow boil over medium heat for about 2 hours. This process allows the meats to release their flavors and aromas, transforming the water into a rich and inviting broth.

Once you’ve reached the point where the broth has fully absorbed all the flavors, it’s time to move on to the next stage. Filter the broth to eliminate the solid and remaining ingredients, thus obtaining a golden and fragrant liquid. Return the filtered broth to a saucepan and bring it back to the boil, using a slotted ladle to facilitate the addition of the tortellini. These little treasure chests of stuffed pasta will help transform the broth into a complete dish.

Choosing between homemade and store-bought tortellini comes down to your personal preference and the time you have available. Creating your own tortellini allows you to customize the filling with minced meat, parmesan and a selection of spices. On the flip side, buying ready-made tortellini from the store offers a wide variety of flavors and variations to suit every palate.

Once the tortellini have been added to the boiling broth, let them cook for about 8-10 minutes, or until they reach the desired consistency according to the package directions. The pastry will be soft and delicately envelop its delicious filling, offering a nice contrast to the richness of the broth.

Finally, to present the dish, distribute the hot tortellini and wrap them in soup plates with plenty of aromatic broth. This creates a perfect balance between paste and liquid, ensuring that every spoonful is bursting with comfort. To further elevate the dining experience, pair the dish with a robust red wine. A Tuscan Chianti or a Carignano del Sulcis offer complex notes that blend with the richness of the tortellini and the warmth of the broth.

Tortellini in Beef and Chicken Broth are ideal for gathering the family around a warm and welcoming table. This dish not only satiates the appetite but also warms the heart with its culinary embrace. Whether it’s a family dinner or a comforting lunch on a cold winter day, this dish will bring smiles and satisfaction to every spoonful.

Enjoy your meal!