Ingredients for 4 people:
  • offal of a lamb or piglet or kid (liver, lungs, spleen, heart, intestines, “nappa”)
  • a pound of lard or bacon
  • a lemon
  • salt


This is a poor dish with a strong and ancient taste prepared with the offal of roasted young animals. When, to make a roast, you buy a lamb, a kid or a suckling pig, what they call “addition” is also delivered by the butcher. This “addition” is offal composed of the animal’s innards. With this part of secondary value we can make the treaty, a dish with a strong flavor that is very difficult to find in restaurants.

For the preparation proceed first of all by opening the intestines lengthwise with great calm and patience without breaking them. The intestine that will be used to bind the dish must remain long. Clean it well, keeping in mind what passes inside the intestine, with running water and leave them to marinate in lemon to eliminate the very strong taste. Then cut the internal organs, liver, lungs, heart and all, into large pieces, so that they can be threaded onto the skewer. Arrange the pieces on the skewer alternating the various types and separate them with a slice of lard or bacon. Wrap them in the “tassel”, the white net that encloses the animal’s organs, close and roll up with the intestine, tying well.

Cook it on the grill by turning it over with the rotisserie for at least 45 minutes. Adjust the salt over the entire surface as it spins. Finish cooking, bringing the embers under the dish, until you see that the intestines are golden and crunchy. Serve this dish hot because it loses much of its fragrance and taste when cold.

It requires the combination of a good red wine with a strong taste which in this case can only be a Cannonau di Sardegna or a Carignano del Sulcis.

Enjoy your meal!