Ingredients for 8 people:
  • 500 g. durum wheat flour or semolina
  • glass of water
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • a pinch of saffron
  • salt


Malloreddus are Sardinian dumplings made from flour or durum wheat semolina. To prepare them, mix the flour or durum wheat semolina with warm water in which you have dissolved the salt, a drop of extra virgin olive oil and, if you like, a pinch of saffron. Knead the dough until it becomes soft, smooth and uniform. By carrying out this process with a mixer you will have an excellent result with less effort.

To prepare the malloreddus prepare a floured work surface by taking pieces of the dough and roll them to make long rolls of 5 mm in diameter. With a knife, cut two cm long pieces. and with a decisive movement of the index finger downwards or of the thumb upwards, in this regard there are different schools of thought, roll it on a rough surface like that of a fork. You will get a small wrinkled dumpling that rolls up on itself, very suitable for capturing all the flavors of the sauce and keeping it cooked perfectly. The rough surface for rolling them can also be that of a rush basket or that of a wooden tool, prepared for this purpose, in the shape of a tablet with a handle and vertical grooves. If you don’t have this last two, use a fork of certain availability. Roll them in flour and dry them in a dry place. You can keep them for a few weeks in tightly closed containers or you can keep them in the freezer for longer.

There are numerous recipes that include the use of malloreddus with many variations. The best known are those of Malloreddus alla Campidanese or quelli alla Gallurese, without forgetting those with rabbit meat sauce< /a> and sheep ragù.