Ingredients for 8 people:
  • 500 g. of 00 flour
  • 10 g. of brewer’s yeast
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 g. of sugar
  • a glass of milk
  • 60 g of butter
  • grated zest of two oranges
  • a small glass of brandy
  • peanut oil for frying


The recipe for Fatti fritti or Fried friars is one of the most popular confectionary specialties in many parts of Italy. These are fried donuts, with a characteristic shape and a unique flavor, which can be enjoyed as a dessert at any time of the day.

To prepare the fried Facts, it is necessary to dissolve the yeast in less than half a glass of warm water and beat the whole eggs with the sugar. Subsequently, it is necessary to warm the milk with the butter inside to melt it, grate the zest of the two oranges and put the flour in the mixer. While the flour is turning, add the eggs, the warm milk, the yeast, the zest of the oranges and the small glass of brandy, kneading the dough for at least 10 minutes.

At this point, it is necessary to put the dough in a large bowl and let it rise for 40 minutes, covering it all with a cloth. Subsequently, it is important to organize a work surface to be floured well for the preparation of the donuts and the subsequent leavening.

To make donuts, take a small ladleful of dough and use the flour to create a donut with a hole, being careful to leave a large hole so that it does not close during leavening. The donuts will be aligned on a work surface, leaving a space between them and left to rise for at least 2 hours, covered well with a cloth and plaid.

After rising, fry the donuts in plenty of hot, but not very hot, peanut oil, rotating them with the handle of a wooden ladle. When one side of the fried dish is golden brown, turn it over and finish cooking. Subsequently, the donuts must be removed with a slotted spoon and placed on absorbent kitchen paper, turning them over. Finally, you can dust the surfaces with sugar.

If the fried Facts turned out well, they will have the characteristic clear central stripe and will be good hot. Alternatively, they can also be enjoyed cold, after being heated for 10 seconds in a microwave oven.

A delicious and pleasant dessert like this deserves to be accompanied by a serious Vernaccia di Oristano for meditation or to give it vivacity and lightness with a fresh Asti sparkling wine.