Ingredients for a cake:
  • 280 g. made with flour
  • 2 kg apples
  • 80g butter
  • 160 g sugar
  • cinnamon powder or relish
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 g. milk
  • baking powder


Apple pie is a classic of traditional pastry, perfect for any occasion. To prepare this delicious cake, start by mixing the eggs with the sugar until you obtain a frothy and homogeneous mixture.

Add the milk, flour, cinnamon and fluid butter, continuing to mix vigorously until all the ingredients are perfectly blended.

Once the dough is obtained, add the baking powder, stirring gently to avoid melting it too quickly.

Peel the apples and cut them into thin slices, about 2 mm. Mix them with the dough, keeping a few slices of apple for the top.

Butter a baking tray with a high edge and pour the mixture into it, leveling the surface well with a spatula. Arrange the apple slices on the surface to create a harmonious and inviting decoration.

Bake the cake in the preheated oven, at 180 degrees, for about 60 minutes, or until the surface is golden and crunchy, while the inside is soft and moist.

Once cooked, take the cake out of the oven and let it cool completely before serving. You can accompany the apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or with a little whipped cream, for an even more delicious dessert.

To enhance the flavors of the cake, I recommend serving it with a very cold Asti Spumante with delicate bubbles. The contrast between the sweetness of the cake and the freshness of the wine will make the tasting experience even more pleasant and refined.

Enjoy your meal!